Information at your fingertips

Name BWeather Forecast BWeather Forecast is the most famous version in the BWeather Forecast series of publisher Fth Group
PublisherFth Group
Genre Travel Local
Size 16.82 MB
Version 1.7
Update October 27, 2024
MOD Optimized
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BWeather Forecast provides users with reliable and accurate weather information at their fingertips. With a sleek and modern design, BWeather Forecast is easy to use and navigate, making it a must-have app for anyone looking to stay informed about the weather.

Here are some functions:

– Current weather conditions: Temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, and precipitation information for the user's location or a chosen location.
– Hourly and daily forecasts: Weather predictions for the next few hours or several days, including temperature highs and lows, expected precipitation, and weather conditions.
– Severe weather alerts: Notifications for severe weather events, such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, or hurricanes, to help users stay safe and prepared.
– Radar maps: Interactive maps that show the user's location and nearby weather patterns, including precipitation and storm movements.
– Customizable settings: Options to adjust temperature units, weather data sources, and notification preferences to suit individual needs and preferences.
– Sunrise and sunset times: Information about when the sun will rise and set for the user's location or chosen location.
– Air quality index: Information about air quality and pollutants in the air.
– UV index: Information about the strength of the sun's ultraviolet rays and recommendations for sun protection.
– Historical weather data: Access to historical weather data for a particular location, which can be useful for trip planning or research purposes.
– Weather widgets, allowing users to access important weather information directly from their home screen, saving time and enhancing convenience.

Fix bugs.

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